Foam Nursing Tips
For orphaned crevice-dwelling insectivorous bats. The previously used foam tips found on eyeshadow applicators are now using a different foam that does not absorb the milk. The foam tips shown here are the correct kind to use. Note: each double ended tip can be split in half, and then cut in half (see diagram) so you actually get 4 tips per wand. The package of 100 foam pieces will actually give you 400 nursing tips.
Here is an instructional video on how to use these tips: and
Click here to access a chapter on caring and feeding of orphaned insectivorous bats:
All proceeds go towards buying food, medication, and enrichment for the rescued bats of Bat World Sanctuary, and orders are fulfilled on site by staff and volunteers. Each order comes with a copy of our annual report magazine, full of stories and photos of rescued bats that your purchase helps support. Orders typically ship within 48 hours, and tracking is provided via email. For further questions, please reach out to us at