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Bats in the Pantry Cookbook

Bats in the Pantry Cookbook

$ 16.95 $ 18.95

Bats in the Pantry Cookbook

The 220 recipes in our one-of-a-kind cookbook are made with ingredients that are brought to us through bat seed dispersal and pollination, or by protection of our crops. All recipes are plant based. This book is also a fun way to educate! A bat symbol is placed beside every ingredient that bats bring to us with an explanation of each bat-plant connection in the back of the book. See Table of Contents.


Why plant based?
Over 98% of the animals that suffer horribly and die at the hands of humans are farmed animals. Using farmed animals for food is responsible for 30% of our world’s water consumption and occupies almost 50% of our earth’s land. It is one of the largest sources of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, producing 65% of the world’s nitrous oxide. It is responsible for over 90% of Brazilian Amazon rainforest destruction, and is the leading cause of ocean dead zones. Without question, animal agriculture is a leading threat to bat/wildlife habitat and species extinction.

All proceeds go towards buying food, medication, and enrichment for the rescued bats of Bat World Sanctuary, and orders are fulfilled on site by staff and volunteers. Each order comes with a copy of our annual report magazine, full of stories and photos of rescued bats that your purchase helps support. Orders typically ship within 48 hours, and tracking is provided via email. For further questions, please reach out to us at orders@batworld.org. 

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